A Quanta Evo Light is used for all laser services. This laser is the highest quality laser available. This laser (except for IPL) is also safe for all skin colors.

·       Clients that are pregnant and/or breastfeeding cannot be treated due to increased melanin and hair production.

·       Clients with epilepsy or pacemakers cannot be treated.

·       Treatments cannot be performed on clients with infections or immunosuppression due to compromising the ability for the body to heal.

·       Please discontinue use of any antibiotics, or any other drug that may cause photosensitivity, for at least 14 days prior to treatment. This includes prescription, nonprescription, herbal and natural remedies.

·       Treatments cannot be performed on anyone using Accutane or any other isotretinoin medication in the past 12 months.

·       Avoid using sunless tanning products in the area to be treated at least 7 days prior to treatment.

·       Avoid UV exposure and tanning beds for at least 2 weeks prior to appointment and for the duration of your treatment series. Tanned or sunburnt skin cannot be treated.

·       If you have herpes simplex virus 1 or 2, we recommend taking an oral antiviral medication 2-3 days prior to laser treatment. Treatments may activate individual sensitivities causing cold sores or blisters. Clients with active outbreaks cannot be treated.

·       For best results, multiple treatments will be necessary. These treatments need to be scheduled consecutively and it is recommended that they are 3-8 weeks apart depending on the area being treated.

·       Please arrive for your appointment free of all lotions, makeup, and deodorants.

·       Avoid all AHA/BHA, hydroquinone, retinols/retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, Tazorac, and Differin in the treatment  area for 7 days prior to appointment.

·       Clients should not perform any physical activity that increases body temperature or blood pressure within 2 hours of treatments.

·       Clients with abnormal lesions, moles, or spots on the area to be treated must be cleared by a medical practitioner prior to treatment. Treatment cannot be done on open sores, lesions, or infected areas.

·       Wait 14 days before and after for any Botox or dermal filler injections in the treatment area.

·       Treatments cannot be performed on clients that have allergies to any substances needed before, during, and after treatment.

·       Antihistamines should be avoided at least 7 days prior.

·       There is a risk of scarring after any skin trauma, including laser treatments, especially in clients that have a history of keloid scarring. If you are prone to keloids, laser treatments may not be for you.

·       Avoid aspirin or ibuprofen for 1 week prior to your appointment. Please advise your technician if you are taking blood thinners or regularly taking aspirin or ibuprofen.

·       To lessen the chance of side effects, please disclose and update all medications (prescription and over the counter) and heath conditions before each session.

  • For Laser Hair Removal:

    •  Laser hair removal cannot be done on red, white, blonde, or gray hair. The hair must be darker for the laser to see.

    • Complete removal and/or clearing of hair may not be possible. Maintenance may be needed after initial series of treatments. New growth may be caused by various factors including age, hormones, and/or medications.

    • Please arrive for your appointment clean and fully shaven – preferably less than 24 hours prior (morning of appointment is best)

    • Discontinue electrolysis, tweezing, waxing, threading, or removing hair from the follicle. Do not use any other method of hair removal other than shaving for 6 weeks before treatment.